Friday, September 27, 2013

I'm baaaack!

So I have been away forever. Over a year. That is so bad, but frankly I never have the time. I'm at Uni now, and with all the studying I do, all the church stuff I'm involved in, the hostel life and lack of a good camera anymore... I just never have time or the energy. That being said, I'm attaching some photos of some of my outfits over the year. 
Matching with some of my favourite girls. Happens quite often at Church.
 One of my all time favourite skirts. 
The dress up dinner at the hostel. Where I turned up as bead-head woman.
*The skirt is actually a coral pink.
Feeling slightly 90's.
A pretty normal summer look for me.
Valentines Day dinner at the Hostel.

So these are some very varied (hah) photos, but it is a little of what I've gotten up to.

Until next time (and hopefully it won't be as long again),

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